How it works

In addition to its consultancy role, Comco Consulting regularly runs training sessions in standard or customised formats.

Modalités pratique formation

Comco Consulting has developed strategy and M&A financing courses to enable participants to develop and hone their skills.

We can also custom-make courses if so required, meeting with clients beforehand to assess needs, confirm the feasibility of the service and come up with a bespoke offering.

How to sign up

You can sign up for our courses on our website’s contact page or by emailing us at Our courses can be carried out in person or at the client’s premises in Paris or Lyon. If necessary, they can also be done remotely. We confirm the location by email 15 days before the start date. We can also recommend suitable structures to address the specific needs of disabled clients.

Our methods and assessment procedures

All of our courses have a high proportion of exercises, case studies and/or role play, meaning that participants alternate between theory and practice. Videos are also sometimes used. There is a lot of trainer-trainee interaction, which fosters involvement, and exercises and case studies are used to assess what trainees have retained.

The training is provided by Alice Roux

In addition to her consultancy role, Alice Roux, CEO of Comco Consulting, runs regular training courses to encourage a culture of strategy, corporate finance and M&A financing amongst managers.

Tell us about your projects.

Remote learning via Teams

All of Comco Consulting’s training sessions can be followed remotely, with the aim of adapting to participants’ time- and location-related constraints. Comco Consulting’s goal is to make its entire range of training courses accessible to as many people as possible, which it can do thanks to Microsoft Teams. Anyone who does not have a paid subscription to Microsoft 365 can access the free version of Teams. The trainer issues the invitations and participants just have to click on the link to be able to follow the session at a distance. This means that anyone can follow a training course, regardless of their location, and be accompanied throughout by Alice Roux, who leads each session. 
To find out more about our training, please drop us a line at 

Dynamic, hands-on training sessions led by Alice Roux, manager of Comco Consulting, in her dual capacity as trainer and practitioner

The world of training has been experiencing significant change over recent years, shaken up by a new vision of learning, technological developments and changes in working practices.  
In-person training frequently poses a problem from a logistics point of view. Apart from the issue of availability, which can also be problematic in real-time distance learning, in-person training requires travel, whether by the trainer or the participants, and results in them being completely unavailable for the entire duration of the course. Companies often take the travel expense into account, but totally underestimate the indirect cost of the trainee’s lack of productivity during in-person training. This format can be lacklustre, especially if the information is delivered in a top-down fashion with a heavily theory-based, lecture-type approach. Distance learning, on the other hand, can be tiring for trainees, who are less concentrated than in the classroom. They may soon lose interest in what is happening on the screen, in particular if the training session takes place over one or two full days.  
The key to successful training lies in maintaining trainees’ interest for the duration of the course. The dynamism of Comco Consulting’s courses gives them a leading edge, as does the trainer’s use of practical exercises to ensure participants’ involvement.  
Comco Consulting’s manager, Alice Roux, in her dual trainer/practitioner role, encourages interaction, discussion and debate in all her training courses, whether in-person or remote. She combines examples of real-life cases that she encounters on a daily basis, feedback from trainees and simple, hands-on exercises that make it easy to apply the concepts being taught. Participants are constantly challenged in a fun way, which helps them to remain engaged and better assimilate the information being taught. 
Write to us at to find out more about our training courses! 

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