Training for non-financial directors: all about corporate finance and equity transactions

Parcours de formation dirigeants non financiers

Main information

  • Thirteen, two-hour sessions, twice a week 
  • Location: By video-conference (with shared screen) on Teams 
  • Maximum 10 participants 
  • Upcoming dates:  

Length: 26 hours 
Cost: €3,000 (excl. VAT) per participant 


  • Finance for non-financial directors 
  • How to conduct a financial analysis 
  • How to finance growth 
  • How to perform a successful acquisition 

Target skills and objectives 

  • An opportunity for discussion: reflecting together, building together 
  • Format: PowerPoint presentation, with timed breaks for brainstorming 
  • Instilling a culture of financial management, equity transactions and growth financing 
  • Seizing opportunities in times of crisis 

Audience and required qualifications 

  • Audience: Directors, company heads 
  • Required qualifications: None 

Training methods 

  • In addition to theory, our training courses are interspersed with practice scenarios, brainstorming sessions and real-life examples 
  • Active participation by all attendees is strongly encouraged 
  • Training materials are provided to all participants 

Course breakdown 

Presentation 1: 2h – General overview and presentation of balance sheet 

  • Why we need finance skills 
  • What a balance sheet can teach us 

Practice scenario: preparing and reading a balance sheet, calculating gross & net non-current assets, shareholders’ equity and liabilities, preparing comments on the results 

Presentation 2: 2h – Income statement 

  • How to build an income statement 
  • Intermediate income statement balances 
  • Income statement profitability 

Practice scenario: preparing and understanding an income statement, recalculating the balance sheet and income statement in case of the sale of tangible assets 

Presentation 3: 2h – Net Financial Debt, Working Capital Requirement, Cashflow from operating activities, Cashflow Statement 

  • Net Financial Debt (NFD) 
  • Working Capital Requirement (WCR) 
  • Cash flow from operating activities (CF) 
  • Cash flow Statement (CFS) 

Practice scenario: calculating cash flow from operating activities 

Multi-choice questionnaire 

Presentation 4 – 2h – Free Cash Flow 

  • Free cash flow: breakdown 
  • Capex (industrial investments) 
  • Opex (operating expenses) 

Practice scenario  

Presentation 5: 2h – Wealth creation mechanisms 

  • Break-even point 
  • Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) 
  • Return on Equity (ROE) 
  • Net Present Value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) 

Practice scenario  

Presentation 6 – 2h – The cost of growth financing 

  • Cost of capital 
  • Various financing sources and their cost 
  • Questions to ask when preparing a finance plan 

Practice scenario  

Presentation 7: 2h – Types of growth financing 

  • Equity or quasi-equity financing 
  • Debt financing 
  • LBOs 

Practice scenario: LBO 

Presentation 8: 2h – The acquisition process 

  • Presentation of the various stages 
  • Presentation of the risks 
  • Example of a successful build-up strategy 

Practice scenario: defining strategy and using it to profile the ideal target company 

Presentation 9 – Introduction to business valuation  

  • Enterprise value and share value 
  • Main valuation methods 

Practice scenario  

Presentation 10: 2h – Analysing and ranking acquisition opportunities 

  • Selection of three potential targets and identification of a business case 
  • Detailed study of the three chosen targets 
  • Analysis and ranking of the three targets in accordance with the decision matrix for the ideal target 

Practice scenario  

Presentation 11: 2h – Preliminary analysis of a target’s business and how it fits with the acquiring company  

  • How to perform a financial analysis of the chosen target 
  • Analysing the strategic and operational challenges of an acquisition 
  • Estimating the synergies created by an acquisition 

Practice scenario  

Presentation 12: 2h – Acquisition execution phase 

  • Letter of intent, pre-agreement of a planned business acquisition 
  • Guarantees 
  • Shareholders’ agreement 
  • Memorandum of understanding 

Practice scenario: what to include in a letter of intent  

Presentation 13: 2h – Post-acquisition integration: the first 100 days  

  • Work required 
  • Main difficulties 
  • Key success factors 

Practice scenario: anticipating integration issues 

Monitoring and certification 

  • An attendance sheet must be signed by the participant and the trainer for each half-day of training 
  • Practice scenarios will be corrected in conjunction with the trainer 
  • Each participant will receive a training certificate 

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